The GOAT as it has now become known, was held over the long weekend of 22-24 March 2024 with all participants smiling, vowing to be back next year!

The participants gathered at Mamohase B&B on Thursday evening in the Lesotho lowlands, getting their first taste of all that is quintessentially Lesotho – the views, the friendly people, and the amazingly peaceful rural feel.

Registration and a short race briefing was held – followed by a taste of traditional Basotho fare with a fine steak braai including a few cold Maluti beers, the local staple for thirsty MTBers.

Day 1 Dirt Breath Express (DBE) kicked off with an introduction to Lesotho riding – a 3km single track downhill known as Dirt Breath 1 to get the minds focused and the adrenaline flowing. Followed closely by the universal rule of MTB (what goes down must go up), only to be rewarded by another 3,5km single track descent, oddly named Dirt Breath 2. The climb out of the valley was spectacular, followed by 9km of fast riding district road to the MOAB like Dragons back!

The day ended with an exhilarating 6km downhill followed by a river trail back to Mamohase where hungry and thirsty riders were fed and watered.

On Friday afternoon we all headed to Afriski, where riders had a welcome shower and Afriski’s chefs delivered Maluti’s finest cuisine.

Saturday dawned bright and clear for the famous Black mountain pass ride which took riders onto the roof of Africa … and down the other side. Beautiful scenery and 20km of single tack, enough to make even the grumpiest MTBer grin like a cheshire cat.

Many GOAT stories were swapped and plans of extending this ride in terms of reach and new sections discussed.

Sunday showed the mountains are not always forgiving and a brisk wind reminded bikers we were indeed on the roof of Africa at 3300masl. Goldilocks (aptly named after the 3 little bears story … not to hard, not to steep, not to flat)! The 13km single track from 3300m down to 2500m pulled a few more cheshire cats from the bag and the temp soon warmed as we dropped into the valley.

Some happy and weary riders headed home on Sunday after Goldilocks feeling like little red riding hood having successfully beaten the wolf to enjoy an amazing weekend behind bars!

Everyone vowing not to miss the next GOAT!

Maluti GOAT 2025 dates 21 -23 March 2025, bookings now open
